Our Intern Adventure At ISA: Part One

Between January and August of 2015, we participated in an internship at Interactive Story Adventures (ISA) under the advisement of Dr. Lippman. We learned about running a business along with the educational aspects of the S.T.E.A.M. program for elementary school children ISA was creating. Something special that came with working at ISA was the ability to have a meaningful impact on developing activities for the curriculum. Our opinions and thoughts were taken seriously and many of them made it into the final product. Looking back at our internship, we learned about S.T.E.A.M. related ideas and principles as well as education, but what we really valued was the experience of working at a company. Before this internship, we never knew what it really took to manage and run a company or even to be an employee at one. There is incredible value that comes with experience and just cannot be duplicated any other way. ISA is a great company to have an internship at and we recommend that other students to look for internship opportunities because of the experiences and insights they provide. In the next two blog posts, we will share our experiences related to our two main responsibilities – one was helping create engineering tasks students completed and the the other was helping to find a digital storytelling app for students to use.